Katie morgan, tit for tat HD

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Publicerad den Okt 01 2023

Katie Lewis Henry Morgan is doing task when she rounds a corner and bump into greyback Goodluck, her teen 's tattooed swain. Katie is taken aback, remarking that she had no idea Johnny was even visiting today. In fact, she never heard the threshold unfold or the buzzer closed chain. Johnny ca n't help but reckon shamed as he explains that he snuck into his girlfriend 's bedroom by climbing a tree. He knows he should n't own done that, but he desperately wanted to see her and ... after all, it 's not really in his nature to follow the rules. Katie is floored by this news, caught off-guard and bowl over that her teen and Johnny Reb would give so little respect for the rules of her home. At the same time, however, she ca n't seem to stay angry at Johnny. There 's just something about his carefree posture and rebellious prance that has a hang for disarming her. As if things could n't get to a greater extent tense, Johnny Reb makes a move on Katie, admitting that he 's always wondered what it 'd be like if the both of them ... fooled around. He bets that Katie could certainly hold up with him, and she might teach him a matter or two as well. Katie ca n't think what she 's hearing, but something inside of her prevents her from disengaging. She wants Johnny. She ca n't traverse it ... and just the mentation of his hard cock inside of her is plenty to lay down her do something as unthinkable as it is tempting. Rebel tears off Katie 's dress and hoists her up on the kitchen counter, spreading her legs apart to thrust his face into her already-wet pussy. After Katie sucks on his turncock for a while, she slides it into her puss, letting Reb fuck her all over the kitchen in various raunchy positions until he blasts his freight all over her perky tits .

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